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Leadership Education Partnership Program!

Program FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What Classes would my Children be in?

In Kindergarten they would be in 3 classes plus the tech class of their choice.

  1. Home room
  2. Math
  3. Language Arts 
  4. Tech class of Choice from the technology catalog.

1st - 5th Grades

  1. Home Room - For reporting and resources.
  2. Mathematics of your Choice.
  3. English/Language Arts of your choice.
  4. Science or Social Studies / History
  5. Technology class from the technology catalog.
  6. Elective or another core class - 
  7. Elective or another core class​ - (LEMI Students get a 7th class, but are not required to take a 7th class.)

What do I choose my electives classes from?  

    1. Local Junior Commonwealth Classes if available.

    2. Choose from the following according to your student interests:

  • Local or online Art Lessons, Painting, or Drawing
  • Private or public Music Lessons
  • Private or public Dance Lessons
  • many more options.....
  • BYU Middle School courses (Paid from your reimbursements.)
  • 2nd Technology Course ($280 Cost from Reimbursements plus any kit costs.) 

6th - 12th Grades

  1. Home Room - For simple and resources.
  2. Mathematics of your Choice.
  3. English/Language Arts of your choice.
  4. Science or Social Studies / History
  5. Technology class from the technology catalog.
  6. Elective or another core class - 
  7. Elective or another core class​ - (LEMI Students get a 7th class, but are not required to take a 7th class.)

What do I choose my electives classes from?  

LEMI Projects (Paid for from Reimbursements)

  • Hero Project / Sword of Freedom
  • Key of Liberty
  • Shakespeare Conquest
  • Quest I& II, or Quest III
  • Pyramid Project
  • The Georgic Project
  • The Edison Project - (Self Directed)
  • Other Commonwealth classes by your local Commonwealth. 


Kahn Academy

  • Computer Programming
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Science
  • Economics
  • Chemistry
  • Electrical Engineering
  • More...

​Other possibilities:

  • 2nd Technology Course from the tech catalog ($280 Cost from Reimbursements, $350 worth.) 
  • BYU Independent study courses over 100 to choose from. (Approx $150 -$200 Each, Paid by your reimbursements.)
  • Foreign Languages - Rosetta Stone (From Reimbursements.)
  • Local District High School Classes, ($400 each from Reimbursements. you can take up to 2 courses and still be a LEMI Education student.)